The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power
Recently, I reread the book The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power by Daniel Yergin. It starts off by following the story of John D. Rockefeller, and how he, his business, and his competitors used and manipulated unethical strategies to gain an upper hand in the rapidly growing market of oil. In it, there were so many examples of loopholes, blackmail, and even murder as horrible crimes that were committed all for the sake of profits. Rockefeller's oil company dominated the oil market for a while, with it being the monopoly. Following this, the book goes into detail about the dangers of having a monopoly of a product, and even discussed the consideration of government intervention and how it might affect the United States' status as a capitalist country. Eventually it died down, and split into multiple branches, one of which, Shell, still exists today. It also followed other stories of how the oil market grew, starting from the first ever oil well to millio...