I have not actually finished this book: A Mango Shaped Space, by Wendy Mass
Hello again, Potentially Happy Readers! (I’m not actually sure how much I like that name for you all, but for whatever reason I now feel obligated to stick to it… Oh well, I’ll work on it maybe) It’s Jemina, hope you all had a reasonably okay week, hope you didn’t stress out too much over the bio test and all that jazz. This is once again the spoiler alert, however it probably won’t be as big of an issue as the previous book was, as this one is lesser-known and also older. Because I feel pretty secure in the innocuousness of spoiling this book, I will go more in-depth. Then again, I haven’t actually finished this book, so you’ll probably be fine. Again, here be dragons, and spoilers… A Mango-Shaped Space is a novel by Wendy Mass, and I read this book last Saturday. I haven’t actually even finished it, (or have had time to read really anything) because I’ve been swamped with everything for the past few weeks. We’ll see if it gets better from here, although now I have blogs to publish...