A Return to my First Hyperfixation: Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods, by Rick Riordan
Good day, Potentially Happy Readers! It’s Jemina, and I finally had time to finish books over winter break, so I can actually do a full book review, for once! I foresee spoiling quite a lot, so if you plan on reading this book, skip this blog and come back to it afterwards. Here be dragons! After long awaiting the release of this novel, I finally got my hands on Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan. Riordan is probably my og favorite author, despite reading the Harry Potter series first. In elementary school, I read COUNTLESS middle-grade book series revolving around Greek mythology. ( Goddess Girls , Heroes in Training , Myth-O-Mania , etc.) (Actually, I only read the Myth-O-Mania series once, and last I checked, during 2nd grade, there were only 7. Since then, there have been 2 more released, in 2013 and 2014, respectively, and I never even knew. I feel cheated.) The three main characters of Chalice of the Gods ar...